Dave Stokes' Mermaid
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David Stokes has a different angle on EeZeBilts - he builds small yachts out of card, and has done the same with a Curlew. Here he is making up a Mermaid in a mixture of card and balsa....
And here is a completed boat well sealed and ready for a top coat...
The boat frame is made, and stiff balsa is used for the bottom skin.

In this build card is used for the internal base, while balsa is used for the deck, keel and bulkheads. Card, in particular, must be sealed both inside and out with several coats of dope. An outer covering of tissue also helps...
The superstructure is card, with balsa stiffeners. If you want to use card, remember to adjust the width of the slots that it locates into accordingly...

The little card Curlew in the background provides inspiration!
Cardboard is used extensively here - the boat cradle is a good example...
A simple rudder and propeller are made out of brass sheet

Note the ingenious use of a plug wiring terminal and a plastic horn to make a cheap tiller. This is what EeZeBilding is all about...
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